Wednesday, January 2, 2013

6 months

This post is way overdue but better late than never! 

So our sweet babe is now 6 months! (which means in less than 6 months, I will be planning her first birthday party!) Seriously, where has the time gone! She is such a bundle of joy. She's such a content, happy baby. You may not get many smiles out of her but when you do, it's enough to make you melt. She loves to observe her surroundings and people watch. She does a lot of babbling. She has learned to roll over and here recently can sit up all on her own for a good minute! She loves to play with Benson. He's really good at keeping an eye on her when you need to step away really quick. 

We're still nursing (woo!) and we've begun the road to solids. So far she's had oatmeal, sweet potatoes, carrots, sweet peas, avocado, and yogurt with bananas. She's enjoyed everything so far minus the yogurt. It may be because it's cold and she prefers warm foods and milk. I make all of her food from fresh, organic produce so I know exactly what goes into everything. What a difference from the stuff in the store. The color alone will make you want to switch. So much brighter and I get to make it how thick or thin I like. I'm really glad I made the choice to make her food. We let her drink out of her sippy cup and she has done great with it. She even tries on her own!

 This picture is so funny to me. She looks like a little pup with a new toy!

I've packed away her 3-6 months clothes and am real hesitant on putting on any 6 month clothes on now that I know how loose and comfortable 9 month clothing have been for her. Despite her slew of cute clothes, you will most likely find her in footed jammies all day. They're so comfortable and so easy to put on and take off. I think she knows when she's getting a bath because as soon as the clothes come off, she gets so giddy and happy!

We have introduced Amelia to a couple signs for her to learn for basic needs like "milk", "more", "please", "finished" etc. We did this with Benson and he eventually picked up on it and was signing well before he could talk. It was really cool!