Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Busy Bees

Amelia can now sit up on her own. Its so cute to see her wiggling back and forth, using her core to keep balance.  She's still trying to get the crawling down but she's become more aggressive with moving forward and doing a really good job! About 2 weeks before she turned 8 months, I stuck my finger in her mouth to massage her gums (something I haven't done in awhile) and low and behold her first tooth had cut through! This was a complete shock to me because she didn't have ANY drool. With Benson, he was drooling nonstop from the time he was four months until ten months when he got his first tooth. This will explain why she's been such a crabby sleeper. She will wake up every 2-3 hours at night. We're back to the newborn days. Fast forward to now, and she has her two bottom teeth fully cut through. I'm still nursing so you know she's been testing out her new found teeth. OUCH! Not a happy mama! Speaking of nursing, I have been trying to supplement formula just to try it out and to see if she likes it or if it holds her over longer but all in all, she's not a fan and prefers boob over bottle. So I have concluded that I will continue to breastfeed until she's a least one! (Go me!)

I know this is a blurry picture but it was the only one I could get where you can see her two teeth!

Benson starts soccer this week. The weather has been so unpredictable here in GA with it raining off and on. His first 2 practices were cancelled from wet fields but we are already approaching his first soccer game this Saturday. I volunteered Eric to help out with the coaching on Saturdays at the games. Eric is really excited so hopefully Benson will get pumped up too now that his Dad is helping out. He (Benson) has been giving us trouble for the past week. I can't quite figure out what's wrong. He tells us he doesn't like school. Naturally, I'm investigating why he doesn't like it. (No one's gonna be messin' with my baby at school!) But it turns out he doesn't like getting up for school. Figures. So we've bumped up his bedtime and are in the process of implementing a better morning routine. Unfortunately I've already left the house by the time the boys need to be up and getting ready for their day so I can't help enforce it but I'm really pushing Eric to get Benson up and on the right foot for school. I mean, he's only just begun! He can't hate it already!

This was taken last weekend at a Dinosaur exhibit I took him too. He hates taking pictures which is obviously why he looks miserable in this one.

My heart is filled with so much joy to see my two kids play together. Really it's just Amelia who is so infatuated with her brother while Benson is doing what little to "play" with her. I can't wait to see these two really play together. As much as I love fall and winter, I'm thrilled for warmer weather to take my babes to the park and on walks in neighborhood. And I'm definitely ready to say goodbye to these nasty cold germs. Between the two of them, I swear one is always fighting off a cold. And to no surprise, whenever I pack up the humidifier to put away, I need to pull it right back out to use again. Can we catch a break please!?

Benson is such a big help. I snapped this picture of Benson feeding Amelia her bottle. He takes good care of her!
This month Eric and I got to be baby free on his birthday weekend. I can't even believe he's 26 which means I am just shy of 25. Ugh talk about a quarter life crisis. But who cares, I still feel like I'm 21! So the kids slept over at my parents and we had dinner plans with some friends. I was ready to have some adult beverages but I was so hungry I didn't think it would be smart to drink anything on an empty stomach being that this was going to be my "first" drink since the baby. (I'm sure you're thinking about how I haven't gone crazy by now)  Long story short, after dinner we went to Eric's cousin's house to get them to come out with us but ended up watching a movie and I fell asleep on the couch. I'm not going to say it was a waste of a night because I didn't get to party like I intended to. I did however get a full 6 hours of sleep!!
The only picture I took on our outing. I was pumping in the car and he was so kind enough to wait with me!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy February!

All my days seem to run together. I made a commitment to take monthly pictures of Amelia and I haven't been very good at keeping up with it. I have all the right intentions just not the time! I (sometimes) wish I was a stay at home mom. Amelia is now 7 1/2 months. She's got the flipping and rolling down pat! We have to give her things to hold onto when we're changing her diapers or clothes, otherwise she's squirming to escape! She is trying to crawl and it's so cute! She'll get on all fours and rock back and forth and take a dive forward. Between rolling and diving, she will eventually make it to where she's going.

I think the biggest thing I've learned as a parent is that I am not always in control. That's something hard for me to accept because I like to be the one controlling the outcome to my situations. Not the case with children. One of hardest things to realize with babies (all children for that matter) is that they grow at their own pace. Amelia is taking her sweet time in reaching her milestones, not to say she won't get there. She's slowly but surely tackling these new feats. I'm so proud of her. I just need to take a step back from time to time and realize that she'll get there when she's ready! :)

Now for the pictures - I just can't enough of her. And Benson has become so camera shy! He does not like the take pictures unless Amelia is in it with him. But he has been saying the funniest stuff! For example, mid conversation he says "Whatever, Jose!" as in "No way, Jose!" Hahaha. I mean how do you not die laughing at things like that.

waking up to these two is pure sunshine (Benson purposely makes funny faces)