I wanted to take some time to shine some light on my other baby that I feel like I rarely talk about. It's so easy to forget his accomplishments and growth when there's a new baby in the house. Benson has completely stolen my heart all over again these past few weeks. And while we were ecstatic for Amelia turning one, I didn't take much notice to how much Benson had matured this summer. He is THE BEST BIG BROTHER! He is so caring and helpful when I need him the most.
Last week Amelia and I were stricken with a stomach virus. (I know right, AGAIN? - FML) It must have been another strand of the virus because Amelia JUST got it the week before her birthday. I can't imagine her body NOT fighting it off after just getting it 2 weeks ago. Although Amelia's was short lived it, it was much different than the last time. She had a fever and didn't throw up everything she ate! (Thank God!) I ended up getting it from her (go figure with all the kissing and cuddling we did) and it was all down hill from there. Luckily we had a short work week because of the 4th of July Holiday and I was able to rest at home. Benson happily stepped up to help CHANGE AMELIA'S DIAPER! - I type that in all caps because what 5 years old boy is willing to help change diapers? He helped give Amelia a bath, including washing her hair head :) and body and mostly keeping her entertained so I could rest. I can't say enough of how much of a great little helper he is. His heart is so big and he is such a genuinely kind person. Eric and I are more than pleased with the person he is growing up to be.

Benson's facial expression is so funny. Her crying her head off just doesn't phase him!
We have always, always allowed Benson to make his own decisions, provided they were healthy, safe choices. We never deterred, or "sheltered" if you will, him from the media or current events, etc. What I'm getting at is that we've always let Benson listen to the music we do, watched movies we watch - nothing x-rated of course, play video games. We've especially made it clear to differentiate what is reality and acceptable. So with that being said, this boy is OBSESSED with Minecraft. He consumes himself with it. From the YouTube videos of other people playing it to spending so much time playing it. At first I was hesitant on letting him play. But the more I learned about it through Eric, it seems to be a pretty legitimate life lessons kind of game. He learns basic survival skills, crafting, agricultural skills. It's so fulfilling to watch him become so fascinated with something that is beyond his years. Just the other day he said, "Mom, there's a new mod[ification] on minecraft that let's the villagers get married and procreate to have babies." My jaw dropped. Not that he has any idea what procreating entails. It blows my mind.
I can't believe he's starting kindergarten in just 4 weeks! He'll get to ride the big bus, bring a backpack and walk his little self to his classroom and pick out lunch...I just can't believe it!