Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Weekend Recap: Big Canoe

We rented a cabin in Big Canoe at the top of the mountain with some friends this past weekend. Turns out it was one of the best weekends ever!!

Needless to say, we spent a majority of it drunk. The babes stayed with my parents and we were off throwing it back to our younger days, playing beer pong, flip cup, cards against humanity, karaoke, piƱata... I mean, was there a game we didn't play? Probably not. 

Lots of fun was had as we celebrated the upcoming wedding of our friends. The house we stayed at was a complete dream, not to mention the view out the back porch. To die for! Unfortunately the weather sucked and we stayed indoors but we most certainly made the best of it.

Eric and I rushed home to our sweet little people and spent Sunday doing our normal weekly prep. (Laundry, grocery shopped, cleaning) Now that Benson's back in school, we've had the hardest time readjusting to routine. It's hard sending him to bed when there's still light out! 

It was a nice break away from our everyday. Eric and I got to connect with other people and reconnect with each other. It's unreal how much that can do for the relationships in your life. Hope you all had a great weekend. Here's to hoping this week flies by so we can do some more relaxing!