Just got back from our week long stay in sunny Destin, FL! I didn't think we'd see the day. This trip had been in the making for the past year. My whole family (Dad's side - all 24 people!!!) rented a lovely home in a quaint gated community just a couple blocks away from Crystal Beach. The weather was beach perfect - hot, humid, sticky and DRY! We were basically living in Seattle these past few weeks in GA with non stop rain so it was amazing to be under the sun. The sand was white and the water was clear, absolute paradise!
Eric and I had not taken a vacation in some time. I didn't get a vacation last year, having taken a maternity leave. So this trip was especially exciting because it was Amelia's very first trip to the BEACH! (and road trip for that matter) We are the best at procrastinating and waited last minute to pack. Luckily, I can be pretty thorough and was able to do it the night before and did not manage to miss a single item! Go me! It can be stressful to pack for a trip. On top of all my essentials, I had to pack for 2 additional children. It was my job not to forget Benedryl, swim diapers, movies on the iPad or the
NoseFrida (side note: Best invention EVER!) Just all the random things you end up needing on such a long trip away from home.
So our bags were packed and we were off to start our 6 hour drive to the beach. We decided to leave that morning at 6am because Amelia is the worst at traveling. I remember Benson being the same. She gets antsy after 30 minutes in the car. So we anticipated her to sleep most of the trip there if we left early enough. Thankfully she did and the trip there was a good one. Once we got there, we all ran through the house to pick dibs on who was sleeping where.
The rest of the trip was spent either on the beach, in the gorgeous "lagoon" pool or BBQing outside. We stayed right across the street from the outlet mall and within a 5 mile radius from ever store you could ever think of - Walmart, Target, Publix, BestBuy. Seriously, you name it, and we were right down the street. Some eventful "just-our-luck" moments to remember: Eric sprained his ankle the second day we were there (there goes my baggage carrier, ha!), Amelia catching a cold (for an exclusively breastfed baby she sure does catch colds often. It's so annoying) and little B getting chaffed (poor guy).
Overall it was a great trip. Lots of memories to share and great pictures to go with them. I think I'm good with not seeing my family until Christmas time. Ha, joking. But really...
We all got perfectly
sun burnt tanned. I love it! Now let me get back to lathering up my little fam with some aloe + lidocaine gel ;) Enjoy our pictures! (most of them are on my facebook)