Amelia turns 11 months today. That means we are only one short month away from her very first birthday! I am in tears just thinking that it has been a whole year that this sweet baby joined our family.
She is so much fun! She is such an observer but has her moments of curiosity and will crawl all around the house chasing the dog and getting into everything. Benson was such a good listener so we never baby proofed our house but I have a feeling we will need to with Amelia. She loves to climb the fire place and pull out papers from the cabinets. She is still a scardy cat and won't take any steps but she's really good a pulling up and holding onto things. We have to keep things off the coffee table now that she can stand. She loves to squeal and scream. She hasn't started talking yet. She'll say "da da" but I'm not sure she's actually calling Eric.
She's going through separation anxiety. I am her favorite person (duh) and sometimes the only person that can comfort her. So I find myself baby wearing, a lot... I don't mind it. It may the breastfeeding thing but either way, I love my girl!
Speaking of breastfeeding, we're still hanging on! 11 months strong. I feel like our nursing sessions are numbered so I'm enjoying it as much as I can. I love our time alone to nurse and bond. In the same token, I'm ready to give it up! I'm really hoping that once she starts drinking regular milk, she'll sleep better at night. (fingers crossed!) I'm ready for a full night's sleep as I'm sure she is too.
She usually falls asleep after I nurse her. When she sleeps in my arms, that's my favorite!
The backdrop and props I put together for photos
She did not want to cooperate in the test shots
The only "good" photo I got out of her that day
The weather has been absolutely beautiful in GA. We took the kids out for pizza the other night. After dinner we went to the park and I let Amelia sit in grass for the very first time. She was so excited. She loved picking at the grass and watching the kids kicking balls and riding bikes. She was squealing and wiggling around so happily. Looks like we'll have to do that more often!
I have been really bad at blogging. I really want to update with some of the birthday ideas I have. I have so many ideas, I'm just hoping I can execute them well!
Love this Vena! That first pic is so beautiful! Xo