We had an action packed weekend! Amelia got her ears pierced on Friday. My sweet babe cried for a total of 30 seconds. I think I was the one that was the most hurt. And after all of that, I wouldn't change a thing because she looks even more beautiful with little diamond studs!
Benson had his last and final soccer game of the season. We rounded up the grandparents, Aunts and Uncles. We showed up with the whole gang and he scored 4 goals! We were beyond proud of how well he has progressed in the sport!
Benson and his soccer buddies
Lastly, our princess started cereal yesterday! She was definitely ready. Every baby is different but a good rule of thumb when starting solids is to make sure your baby is developmentally ready. When your baby begins to hold their head up steadily, that's a good sign to start. But Amelia was beginning to take notice to our food and began watching us eat. So I knew she was ready. She did a great job! I'm excited to start making her baby food!
Cereal face