We're less of a week away from Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. Where to even begin?? So here we go...

My first born (how weird to say), Benson. I was a clueless 19 year old ready to take on all the challenges of motherhood. I didn't realize that I would be welcoming another human being that I would love unconditionally and have it reciprocated. We went through a lot of tears and screaming together. Somewhere along the way the screaming stopped and the smiles started and since then my heart has forever changed. He has taught both Eric and I how to be unselfish. He has brought so much happiness into our lives. He's already grown into the most passionate, lovable and handsome little guy that I have ever met. I love him so much and am blessed to be his Mommy.

Next on my list is my sweet Amelia Rose. Who knew I'd open up to having a baby girl? I made them check and then double check, I was in denial. Now I can't get enough of her. I still spend hours staring at her. Since the moment I found out I was pregnant, I cherished my little bump and did everything by the book. She wanted out as soon as she could and had it her way. We've already spent countless sleepless nights. I've gotten to know her more and more as the days pass. We've already lived through a lifetime of stress from her hospital stay to waiting for her surgery to be over. She's a tough cookie and my only hope is for her to continue to thrive in this crazy world. I can't wait to watch her grow into a beautiful girl with her big brother watching over her.

I wouldn't be blessed with these beautiful children if it weren't for their dad and my awesome husband, Eric. 18 and fresh out of high school. I didn't know what real love was until I met him. We bicker and fight over the dumbest things but it's him who loves me for me. We've grown together and made a life for ourselves and our family. I will ride to the end of the Earth and back as long as it's with him by my side. He's the best husband and an even better dad.

Where would I be with out my Mommy. If I could even be half the woman she is I would be all set. She is the strongest person I know. I want to be just like her when I "grow up". She is there right by my side when I need help with the kids. I am lucky to have been able to allow her to stay at home and raise my kids. I would not have it any other way. I gave her absolute hell growing up but the older I get and the moment I became a mom myself, we've been best friends. I am grateful to have a supportive and understanding mother that will always be there for me.
Unfortunately I have to cut this entry for the lack of time on my hands. I don't think I've ever been so grateful and thankful for the people in my lives. Ranging from my family to my friends who end up being a part of my family. I cherish all the memories we have made and those that are to come.
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