Our first year with two babes to dress up for Halloween. How freakin' fun! Of course Benson picked out his own costume. He is not your average 4 year old (to say the very least!) His interests and imagination surpass any other child his age. He NEVER wants to be a superhero but rather the villain. He is always looking to terrorize other people and other children. I blame Eric. They were cut from the same cloth, no doubt. So this year, as expected, he wanted to be something scary. He wanted to make his costume. And by make, I mean he requested a jean vest, camo cargo pants, bandanna, mock weapons and clown mask. After searching many thrift stores, ta-da! We have ourselves a "Joker Thug". Basically one of Joker's felons that assist in his bank robberies. Seriously kid? So we went to a Halloween party as the little family of three joker robber..erm thugs. Quite cute if you ask me. (Mila stayed home with her Gma. It was cold, loud music, you know). The night before Halloween we went to a trunk-or-treat at a local church near my mom's. I figured people wouldn't understand the costume so I had him dress up sans clown mask and call himself a zombie hunter. Voila! People got it! Halloween night, we prepped our house with decor galore. I was seriously impressed how cute our house was. Our neighborhood has over 300 homes. We live in the back of the neighborhood and clearly the part that DOES NOT participate in Halloween. Eric and Benson roamed the block while Amelia and I handed out candy. I swear I got MAYBE 7 rings at the door. WHAT!? So disappointing.

Zombie Hunter
So this was Amelia's first Halloween. Since she can't sit up, crawl or walk on her own yet why buy a $50 costume? So instead I bought one of Old Navy's glow in the dark skeleton pajamas, put a bow on her and called it a day. Now we love skeletons and skulls. What can I say? We're morbid people, so what. So I had both my babes dress like skeletons and take pictures. Benson spoke up and said "Only one picture Mom!" Ha, yeah right. These were taken in our front yard under our tree.

Hurricane Sandy brought a cold front our way. And with the weather changing so abruptly (and probably germs from Benson's school) both babies got sick. Sore throats, congestion, coughs, fevers, the whole nine. This marks Amelia's first cold. Poor baby had THE hardest time breathing out of her mouth. She eventually learned how to take breaks when she was nursing. I bought and did everything I could to keep her as comfortable as possible. But 4 days later and we're all feeling great! They just needed a little extra love, cuddles and a big humidifier!
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