Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Is it almost over?

I think I've been asking myself this question for the past 3 weeks. I dont' even know where to begin but to jump right in. About three weeks ago my sweet Mila's blocked tear duct became infected. Within this time, she became the most fussiest baby ever. We had to resort to always holding her and rocking her. At this point I questioned her behavior and just assumed she was becoming spoiled. I questioned my own motherhood. I did not know how to soothe my own baby. This became an emotional wave on top of the anxiety that set in after my brief depression after the baby.

Friday - I immediately took notice to the redness under her eye and how tender it was if you touched it. So we took a visit to her peds and she was prescribed antibiotics to take orally and a topical cream for her eye.

Tuesday - Well fast forward 4 days later and we saw no progress. However, we didn't see that it was getting worse. Just not the nurse at her pediatrician's office suggested we go to the ER. Now working in the medical field, I didn't want to jump the gun. I know how stupid you can look when there is really nothing a doctor can do for you. But I thought, 'Hell, this is MY baby'. So ER it is. The doc really couldn't do much as predicted besides change up our medications. He also suggested that if we didn't get any improvement within a week we should see a pediatric opthamologist. (I also want to note how FAST ER visits have become. We were in and out within 45 minutes. SCORE!)

(Progression of the infection all within one week. The last picture on the rt was at the ER)
Sunday - Legit, within 4 days, the puffy redness in the corner of her eye had escalated to full blown pus/blood filled abscess. She had become incredibly irritable and inconsolable. To the point where NO ONE could soothe her. Reality hit again and another ER trip was called for. But this time, there was clearly something that had to be done. They drained her abscess and took a culture. I don't think I've ever heard her scream and cry that hard before. Poor baby did not have a voice by the end of it all. The ER doc explained to me that because she is so young and had not had her first set of immunization shots that we needed to be admitted to the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta hospital. So they IV'd her (which is a terrible experience in itself to witness). After 2 tries they were able to get it right. The ambulance transported Mila and I downtown where Eric met us. I think I cried from this point on, nonstop.

Monday - We met with an Opthamologist who's game plan was to get the swelling down and drain most of her bubble so she would be able to see where to probe. At this point she was trying to decide to either irrigate her tear duct or put a tube in place.

Monday-Thursday - Amelia stayed in a metal cage like crib while Eric and I shared a twin size pull out couch. (This brought back my Georgia State dorming days when cuddle was so much fun. Now, not so much.) Every 2 hrs a nurse would come in to drain her eye. Throughout the day and night they aggressively gave her antibiotics through her IV to treat her infection. And within days she was back to her normal self. I almost forgot how good of baby I had. She was an angel. By now the Opthamologist decided to place a tube in her tear duct to keep it open while her infection healed.

Thursday - The night before we signed consent forms and met with the pre op nurses to discuss the procedure and anesthesia. It's hard to explain what Eric and I were going through. I'm so grateful for Eric in my life. When I'm at my most freaked out moment, he's able to bring me down. The bigger picture was that we were getting our daughter the care she needed to be healthy again. Bright and early they walked us the O.R. We met with her doctors and nurses that would be in the room. Went over her procedure one more time and gave our little angel a 'see ya soon' kiss. Literally within 40 minutes, she was done and back in our room. I don't think I've ever been as happy as the moment I had her back in our arms.

Friday- We had to stay two more nights for Amelia to be monitored after undergoing anesthesia. They also switched her IV antibiotics to an oral one that we could continue at home. On top of ALL my mommy obligations, my friend Leslie was getting married today and I was in the wedding. So you can imagine where my mind was at this point. Eric stayed with Amelia the night before while I went to the rehearsal dinner. But we made arrangements with my mom to come stay with her while Eric and I attended the wedding. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. We left a little early to relieve my mom but most importantly be with our little girl.
Anita and I at rehearsal dinner. We were bridesmaid partners, sharing a groomsman.
Wedding day!
Wedding party

Saturday - Papers were signed, cords were unhooked and we were ready to go home!! I forgot what a mess we left our home so it wasn't too fun being back. Laundry, dishes, dogs,..everything needed attending to. But we were happy to be able to sleep in our beds.

Amelia is still recovering. Her eye is much much better. She is seriously the best baby ever. And Benson has been AMAZING throughout this whole situation. His teacher said she would have never known that we had something going on at home because he has been normal at school. He stayed with my parents while we were at the hospital. They're his favorite people so he had no problem sleeping over at mama and papa's house. Our first day back he whispered to Amelia "I'll always be there for you Mila". I mean commeeeonnnn'. So cute. Now that I have my little girl back, we're just trying to get back into routine AGAIN. I started back at work AGAIN. Wooo. I think it's safe to say this will be my last child. but don't mark my words ;)