Saturday, December 28, 2013

Finishing up 2013

Before I get into how eventful and fulfilling 2013 has been, there are a couple of special moments i want to recap that have come and gone.

Family holiday photos (Sims Lake Park -Suwanee, GA)

Amelia WALKING finally! She took her sweet time, but by 17 months, we officially have a full-time walker! Here's an action shot. She's running after me hollering "mommy!"

Benson turned SIX! I took the day off, made "reindeer food" for this classmater per his request, and got to spend the whole day with my favorite little boy! 

and of course our very Merry Christmas. 

So here's to a new year and more memories!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving holiday always seems to come and go so quickly! Nonetheless, the 4 day weekend break was much enjoyed. We hosted Thanksgiving this year, and as with any family gathering, had a great time. My family is so young and fun. We're so untraditional and make the best of any situation. That's why they're the best!

We had my whole family (my dad's side) over for Thanksgiving dinner. We have a potluck style Thanksgiving, where everyone brings a dish. I could definitely tell that everyone was on a health kick this year with the lighter dishes and healthy renditions of the traditional sides. Everything was so yummy. By the end of our second third plates, we were all ready to pop!

After dinner we all sat around for laughs, pulled names for our annual Secret Santa, discussed our plans for our themed Christmas and of course, looked at the ads for shopping that many of us partake in the next day, or if you're an extremist, later that night!

I'd say the night ended earlier than what we usually can stand. Eric and I did a quick clean up and passed out. Benson had lots of fun with his cousins and KO'd as soon as everyone left. Amelia on the other hand was over tired and was the crankiest/fussiest baby EVER. She took the longest time to go down. (Promise to self, NEVER let that baby skip nap time!)

All in all, I'd say we had a successful holiday and cannot wait for Christmas! Our decorations are up and we've already bought some of our gifts. Holidays are so much more fun when you have little ones, that's for sure!!

With my parents and brothers

This is such a special pictures. My grandmother and all her children! (First photo with all of them in almost 2 decades!)

My WHOLE family. Can you believe they all fit in my little house?

 And out of all the pictures, I didn't get a single one with just the 4 of us. Boo!