Maternity clothes? Definitely !
Stretch marks? No new ones - religiously using cocoa butter!
Sleep: So far so good. Lots of tossing and turning to get comfortable.
Best moment this week: Arguing with Benson about the baby's gender
Miss Anything? Queso dip (forbidden because it can be unpasteurized)
Movement: Not quite - lots of flutters
Food cravings: Anything I see a picture of. Mainly breads and fruit though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! (very blessed for that matter too!)
Have you started to show yet: Finally looking pregnant instead of fat
Gender: We will know soon!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but I can get bitchy/angry in 1-10 sec. I hate the emotional roller coaster I've become. It's gotten Eric to ask every 30 minutes if I'm "ok"
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound NEXT WEEK!!!
Happy Monday! Today I'm 19 weeks. Baby is the size of an heirloom tomato and weighs roughly 8 1/2 oz and measures 6 inches head to bottom. I've been feeling more "flutters" which will eventually be kicks. I bought some more maternity shirts that I'm exited to wear. And I've officially let everyone in my office know about my pregnancy. That has definitely been a weight off my shoulders. You never know how people will take pregnancy but everyone is happy for me.
We're still working on names. Benson is very positive on having a baby brother. "well maybe it's a girl" (in a louder voice) Benson: "WELL MAYBE ITS A BOY!" Seriously a battle I can't win.

Eric and I are going to take my parents and Benson out for sushi to celebrate V-day. Thought it'd be a nice gesture for everything they've helped us with these past few months. Love them so much.
I got my 17-P shot yesterday. I decided that instead of alternating hips, I would rather just take it in the left. Seems like the left side gets less sore and heals faster..? So we'll see how much I can tolerate before needing to switch over.
9 more days until we find out the sex. I'm so anxious and excited! I can hardly take it!!!
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