On Thursday we celebrated Eric's 25th birthday! This was definitely one to celebrate, having reached and accomplished so much by a quarter of a century. I wanted to do something really nice for him because he's so hard working and does so much for Benson and me. He's always going above and beyond to get us the things we want and need. But, if anyone knows Eric, he isn't easy to surprise and very hard to shop for. The one thing he won't deny is good company and good beer. We played around with ideas on what to do for his birthday. I decided to text our close friends to come over on Thursday night after work to surprise him. He had no idea. He went out of his way to plan a celebration, asking everyone to meet at Taco Mac. It was hard to go behind him to keep everyone on the same track. So the plan was to have everyone rsvp to Eric's Taco Mac dinner, but in actuality they were going to meet at 7 outside our house to ring the door bell to surprise him! I got off work early that day to run to the store to get everything I needed to make dinner, came home to make homemade salsa, guacamole and prepare the ingredients to make quesadillas and the toppings to go with them. My plan was to leave the house at 6 to pick Benson up at school and make it home the same time Eric did (which is what our normal routine was). We got home and I tried everything I could to keep him out of the kitchen. Not an easy thing to do! Fortunately my brother Duke was able to coordinate with everyone. When that doorbell rang, we spent at least 30 seconds arguing with who was going to open the door. Apparently he was taken back by everyone at the door thinking "I thought we were meeting at Taco Mac....?" (Dear lord please help this man) But the night was spent eating, drinking, laughing, and just a good time.
Highlight of the night, as I went to light the birthday candles Benson warns "be careful mommy. Don't light up your baby" - He really says the darnest things!

Today we took Benson to Imagine It! Children's museum in Atlanta. He had a blast playing around with all their exhibits and getting some hands on learning experience. I was impressed with the facility but NOT impressed with the rude, impatient, ill mannered children. I have no shame in calling your children out for cutting the line or making a mess. I had to "politely" correct three kids for splashing too hard, throwing sand, and having a tantrum. Don't mess with a hormonal pregnant woman. That is no joke. I hope Benson learned a thing or two about being aggressive or else the other kids would have stolen things right from under him. We finished the trip with some Fellini's and visited an antique store and baby store in Atlanta followed by a quick trip to the mall. I am one tired mama from all the walking I did today. My doctor would be proud! Now I'm ending the night with movies and cuddling with my sweet hubs while Benson spends time with his grandparents. 3 more days until we find out what a peanut is. I've got lots of ideas in my head for both boy and girl. It's so exciting I could lose sleep over it. Except I'm too damn tired to. :)
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