Baby is the size of a banana (or small cantaloupe)weighing 10.5 oz and measuring 6.5 inches head to bottom
How far along? 20 weeks 1 day- HALF WAY!
Total weight gain: I think I'm up to 9lbs!
Maternity clothes? Yep. I've been wearing yoga pants to work. So comfortable and you'd never know that they weren't dress pants. Clever I know.
Stretch marks? Still slathering on the cocoa butter. No new stretch marks yet.
Sleep: I'm starting to get uncomfortable. I'm spending half the night tossing and turning to get comfortable and the other half dodging benson's legs from kicking my belly! Who knew sleeping could get so dangerous. I'm still enjoying sleeping on my back but I need to quit.
Best moment this week: Benson gave me a hug yesterday but said he was giving me and baby a hug :)
Miss Anything? Well I did a lot of walking over the weekend and it really wore me out. So I guess I miss walking around the mall and not completely exhausting my body.

Food cravings: I've had a craving for chocolate covered strawberries since Valentines Day. Tried getting some at the Godiva store but refused to pay $5/strawberry so I made them myself last night and ate every last one. So freaking good!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really.
Gender: We find out in 2 days!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: bloated
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out if we're having a baby boy or girl and being able to bring Benson to the appointment to see the baby on screen.
My hair has gotten so long and I noticed how disgustingly long my nails got. Had to clips those bad boys. Usually they'll break, forcing me to chew them off on the spot. These prenatals are benefiting for sure! I can't wait for my hair to be even longer!
I had a quick photo session with my coworker this morning. After our busy weekend filled with all the walking I can imagine, I'm experiencing a lot of low back and pelvic pressure. So lots of resting for this week is in the plan. I think I've finally warmed Benson up to the idea of a baby sister. I told him that if we had a sister, him and dad could play video games while mom and sister "played barbies" (he finished the sentence for me). But on Wednesday we will know for sure. I ended up waking up way too early today because I was so excited. I kept telling myself, '2 more work days to get through'. And the best part of today (although Mondays don't come with 'best parts') it's Presidents Day which means no traffic! So I will breeze my way home, cook dinner, hit the sack and then one more work day! AH!
Vena, I have been checking your blog every day...I'm obsessed!!! I'm so jealous that your hair is growing so fast :(