Tuesday, June 12, 2012

36 weeks - Any day now

I am 36 weeks today and will be welcoming our Amelia "Mila" Rose any day now. And by any day, I literally mean any second. As I type this, I am sitting at work nervously hoping my water will not break here. I have already informed all my co-workers that I refuse to have my baby in Atlanta and that if my water and/or contractions start here, SOMEONE please drive me back to Gwinnett. (and if any of you know my sarcasm, you better believe I had to add a little extra punch to make sure my message came across)

I had my 35 week visit last Monday. As of last week, Amelia is measuring 36 weeks (a week bigger, holy big baby) and I am 2 cm dilated and 80% thinned out (or effaced). I have begun the first stage of labor! So for those of you that have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, your cervix has to thin out to 100% and dilate to 10cm before all the pushing begins. And a lot of times you'll hear about women who can stay dilated at 2cm for weeks and weeks. But since I've simultaneously thinned out that much, I only have a little more to go before there's nothing to do but dilate. And from my pregnancy with Benson, I was told on a Friday that I was 2cm and by Monday my water broke and he was here! Every pregnancy is different. I can only compare from what I know. But I am told by my doctor and nurse that she will be here any day. So we are patiently waiting for her arrival. I'm so excited to meet her but so nervous for the labor part of it all. I had Benson naturally (no epidural) and I plan on doing the same with baby number 2. And that pain sucks!

We had babyshower #1 this weekend. We got a ton of great stuff. It is no lie that little girls are fun to shop for. The caaauuutest outfits ever. I will have tons of fun dressing her up. Now that we know what we did and did not use with Benson, it was easy to sort through everything and return what we know we won't use and exchange them for essential things like diapers, wipes, lotion and shampoo. Some things that people forget are the most important.

Benson has been acting up lately. He is the most well behaved child and listens so well. But these last few days have been terrible. I can't think of a better name then "cry baby". Non stop crying about everything. There is always something wrong. I can't quite figure it out but I'm going to guess that he can sense the change. With the presents and prepping I'm sure he feels he's getting neglected but we try and include him in all we can. We've even gone so far as to buying him his own big brother gifts. We have transitioned (or trying to anyways) him into sleeping in his own room. I would say we've done pretty good so far considering. He'll fall asleep in his own room but be back in our bed by 2-3am. At least it's a start. I'm hoping he'll realize how much will be going on through the night that he'll just decide to stay in his own bed. He got to see Amelia's decorated crib and said "she has the best bed" - haha Eric and I counter responded with "no way, your bed is way cooler. It's the coolest bed ever." Gotta keep the competition to a minimum starting NOW! (which I will post up pictures I promise)

I've got an appointment today and am excited to see how much my body has progressed into the first stage of labor. I'm definitely feeling the change. I'm uncomfortable all the time. So needless to say, I'm ready! We've got all our ducks in a row. The last thing left on the list is for Eric and I to spend some individual time with Benson before baby comes. I want to make sure he knows he's special. Hopefully when I say "you're the best boy in the whole world" he knows I mean it. :)

I'm giving Amelia another week. Otherwise, I will begin the process of the eviction paperwork. hahaha. Comeee on baby!

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