Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Night Terrors

Let me preface this by saying that Amelia has always been a horrible sleeper. Things have gotten much better (and I say better because she's only getting up once a night as opposed to several times a night) the older she's gotten. But, the last couple of nights have been miserable. I don't know what the issue was, but she'd wake up screaming for what seemed like all night. Inconsolable, whimpering, sobbing, hyperventilating. I didn't know what to do or how to help. So at her 2 year check up, I mentioned the past couple of nights and our peds (freaking love her) knew exactly what was going on. Night terrors.

She said that when children get overstimulated and crash into a deep sleep, they skip a sleep stage and head straight into a type of REM mode. Definitely true because we had been staying up way too late. But hey, it's summertime! To fix this, she suggested waking Amelia about an hour after she's fallen asleep. Not fully awake, but enough to make her readjust, toss/turn, and this will make her start her sleep cycle over. So we did this last night, and voila! She slept through the whole night. Can I get a 'hell yeah!' ??

Happy hump day! Only a couple more days until the weekend! We've got another busy weekend ahead of us. I'll leave with some pictures I coincidentally took of Eric and Amelia sleeping over the last 2 years. I'll have to remember to do this every year!


One year old

Two years old. (Check out all the hair in this picture!)

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