Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Month One

Holy cow, already a whole month old!! Time flies by way too fast. I'm loving her to pieces and it has been nothing but joy to watch her grow. She has become more alert. I love staring into her gray eyes. I have so much love for this littler girl! 

Her clothes got too snug so I packed up the NB clothes and have moved her to the 0-3 month clothes. Some brands don't make that size, instead 3 months. I love picking out her clothes her the day. I was weird about having a baby girl at first but am completely in love and would not have it any other way. Girls are so so fun! And her NB diapers have gotten small as well so she is now wearing size 1. And the extra length on those definitely come in handy for those explosive poops! 

Now that she's gotten more alert and spends some time awake, I'm trying to put her on a schedule. I've got 2 weeks left of my maternity leave and I'm trying to get the timing of her feed, wake and sleep times down. She's a night owl and loves to be awake at night. She'll stay awake from a stretch of time from 11pm-2am! I can handle it now because I'm able to sleep in but it's going to be a no-no when I've got to wake up and be in Atlanta by 8am! 

I'm sad to have my maternity leave come to end but at the same time excited to get back to work. I'm ready to get into the routine of things. I think that'll help Benson as well. He's still having a hard time with sharing his parents. 

Eric's family is currently visiting from Massachusetts. They will be leaving this weekend. It's been fun to have his family with us since we don't see them often. His mom was able to come as soon Amelia was just about a week old. What a blessing, since she wasn't able to meet Benson until he was nearly 6 months. As much as we all hate goodbyes, I'm happy to have a week to myself with the baby before going back to work. 

Breastfeeding.... boy oh boy breastfeeding. It's the miracle juice. It has been a struggle to say the least. It has really played an emotional toll on me. I don't know why but this second go round with raising a child has been very hard. I am such a worry wart. I over think everything. And I really mean everything. I'm pushing through all the obstacles that come with breastfeeding for the sake of being able to give my daughter something special. I'm still uncomfortable with breastfeeding in public and I think that hinders my success with it. I'm loving the public places that provide a 'Mother's room' with a rocking chair in all for nursing. But when push comes to shove, I can always nurse in the car :)

(she's so chunky in this picture!)

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