Monday, February 10, 2014

Amelia - 18 month check up

So I wasn't able to get Amelia into her check up until she was just shy of 20 months! My big girl is growing so fast!(At least I got her to the doctor, am I right?) 

Height: 32in (Just 1in short of door knobs! - I'm in trouble)
Weight: 25lbs (but feels like 50lbs)
Teeth: 10 and cutting 2 more molars
Clothing size: 2T
Shoe size: 5/6

She is a firecracker! She reminds me so much of me (heh). She loves loves loves to dance. She'll break it down anytime, anywhere to any rhythm. So far she's been really outgoing. Loves to venture off and explore. She's fearless, to say the least! I can already tell she's adventurous and loves a good adrenaline rush. It's so fun to see the differences in personalities between my children. Benson is still in his own world but Amelia is constantly reminding him that she's here! She loves to annoy her big brother. She'll sit on top of him if it means seeing what he's doing on the iPad. She's too much to handle! They've been playing together more. Now that she walks runs, we have so much more fun at the park, jumpy places, the store...even at home! I feel like we're constantly on the go! 

Amelia is talking more and more. She's still doing most of the signs I taught her but now she's saying 2-3 syllable words. She loves to listen and sing along to nursery rhymes. Her favorite over played song is Monkey's Jumping in Bed and If You're Happy and You Know it comes in close second. It's so cute to see her try and sing along. She's able to count to 3 and she can say "A, B, C & D". She's comprehending more and more of what we say and ask of her. It's so fun!! 

She loves learning about animals. She loves to look through her animal book and learn about the sounds they make. It takes me by surprise when she makes an animal noise especially when I didn't even know she knew it. The other day we were watching a commercial when a horse came on the screen and she kept saying, "neigh neigh". It amazes me, the knowledge she soaks up! She also loves to cuddle stuffed animals. Her favorite is her monkey. She brings it around everywhere. Everything about this stage is so much fun! I love seeing her mind work to comprehend what we say and to see it all in action when she says things all on her own!

1 comment:

  1. shes so cute!! loving your blog :)

    new follower
