Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It's The Little Things - Finally Sleeping?

Today I'm linking up for the very first time with Jess from Sadie Sky Boutique and Ashley from Words about Waverly for their 'It's the Little Things' linkup! 

Amelia has now slept THROUGH the night for two consecutive nights. I am ready to jump for joy! She has always been a terrible sleeper. I've tried the cry-it-out method but it's just not for our family. The one time I tried to get her to cry it out, she screamed until she got sick all over herself and her bed. Clearly she was not happy about it. 

The hardest part about our sleepless nights is having to wake up at the crack of dawn so I can drop her off and hit rush hour traffic and make it downtown on time! Being a full time working mom of two is a tough job. I spend most of my day away from my kids. We're on a pretty tight schedule once we all get home. My husband cooks dinner while I get the kids settled in and Benson and I start his homework. Once we eat dinner it's bath time, brushing our teeth, book and then bed. All by 8:30, no later than 9:00.

I usually hit the sheets right after them because I'm just way too tired for anything else. Amelia will wake up at least once a night and then we're back at it again the next day.

SOOOOOO, I am so excited that she's finally getting the rest she needs.I couldn't believe it so woke up just to make sure she was ok! I feel like we're at the front door of sleeping all night! Even if it's just a couple nights, I'll take it! I'll never take sleeping for granted, ever!

I'm excited about this link up series. Life happens way too fast so it's especially nice to reflect on the things that keep me moving. Thanks Jess and Ashley!


  1. Wow, that is rough on the sleep but very happy for you that she has had 2 nights of good sleep!

    1. Thank you! It's been a long time coming and much needed for the both of us. Fingers crossed for another good night!

  2. hey girl! I just saw your comment on my blog and I couldn't reply via email. So my stale peeps post was over 3 years ago. I ended up going to the dermatologist for my skin and got everything cleared up, including scars! Then I had pregnancy acne so I have scarring from that. And ever since I started my cycle after having Mia, I break out for 2 weeks out of the month! I've been told that my hormones and skin won't get back to normal until a couple months after I'm done nursing. Mia will be weaned by the end of this month so I'll give it 2 months and if my skin isn't better, I'm going back to my dermatologist to help me!
    My derm had me start using OXY maximum face wash when I got pregnant and cetaphil moisurizing cream. (I use a lighter cetpahil lotion for my face in the morning so that my make up goes on smoothly!) Sorry I'm not much help :)
